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5 Things to Consider When Purchasing an Outdoor Storage Shed

An outdoor storage shed can be a great solution for many households. The additional storage that a shed can provide is generally the number one reason that people choose to invest in a shed. Any additional space is good space! Furthermore, an outdoor storage shed can actually add value to your home. Additional space and extra storage is often at the very top of peoples house hunting checklists. We have sheds anywhere from 4 feet x 6 feet up to 10 feet  x 12 feet wide.  We also offer 10 to 20 foot wide larger garages and carports at this link.

Outdoor storage sheds protect your belongings from the elements while also keeping them out of sight and safely locked away! There are a few things to consider when choosing which shed is the right fit for your household. We’ve compiled a list of 5 things to consider when purchasing an outdoor storage shed. If you still have questions about finding the right storage shed for you, contact us here at Grizzly Shelter and we will be happy to assist you! 

#1: Size

The size of your outdoor storage shed is entirely dependent on two main things: how much space you have available on your property and your desired use for the shed. Generally our sheds are less than 10 meters square (108 sqr feet) which means that you most likely don't need a permit (but click here for more). If property space is not an issue and you have a lot of items to store, bigger items such as ATV’s and lawnmowers, or would like to leave yourself room to grow then the Yukon Storage Shed might just be your best option! This large shed comes with a 15 Year Warranty, and the durability to handle even the toughest Canadian winters. It will provide years of maintenance-free protection and is available in the following sizes: 11x9, 11x13, and 11x17.

On the other hand, if property space is tight for you, you may want to consider one of our smaller sheds such as the Pent Shed which can fit into almost any space at 5’8x3’10. Though it is one of our smallest sheds, it still provides 24 cubic feet of storage space and can handle up to 15.4 pounds per square foot of snow load. In fact, this Steel Yardsaver Shed is one of our bestsellers! It is especially useful in narrow or "hard to fit" areas. 


#2: Design

Your new outdoor storage shed ads to your property’s general aesthetic and some homeowners prefer a shed that matches their home or other outbuildings. A great solution to this is our Steel Storage Shed. This shed provides you with a steel frame + roof and lets you supply and customize the wood panelling.* Giving you full control over the colour and overall look of your shed. You may choose to paint the wood paneling the same colour as your house, or stain it to match other outbuildings or even create an accent colour to bring your entire property together! You also get to choose whether to orient the wood panelling vertically or horizontally. The steel frame is available in two colours - Cream and Anthracite (dark grey)

*For example - with the 8x8 Steel Storage Shed you would need to purchase X8 flat 3/8” X 48” X 96” (4x8) exterior grade wood siding.

#3: Security

If you’re storing gardening supplies you may care less about security than your neighbour who needs to store their power tools and mountain bikes. Either way, it is an important factor to consider when purchasing an outdoor storage shed. Almost all of our sheds are pad-lockable. However, if you’re storing high value items you may want to consider our Strong Security Shed which features built in locking door handles. This shed comes in 8x6 and 10x8. 

#4: Snow Load and Other Environmental Factors

Living in Canada we know how important it is to choose an outdoor storage shed that is fit to withstand harsh winters, sun damage, high wind speeds and heavy snow loads. Depending on where in Canada you live, some of these factors might be more important to you than others. If you live in an area that sees a lot of rain, the Strong Security Storage Shed might be appealing to you as it is made of Galvalume Steel which is plated with Aluminum and Zinc for advanced corrosion resistance. Our Yukon Storage Shed on the other hand, would be a great option for an area that sees a lot of snow. This shed can hold up to 20.5 pounds of snow load per square foot and can withstand winds up to 75mph. If purchasing an Arrow brand shed, we do offer a Shed Roof Strengthening Kit that will increase your Arrow sheds roof strength by up to 50%. The Skylight Storage Shed would make a nice addition to a property with high sun exposure as it is made from polycarbonate panels which provide complete UV blockage, preventing them from discolouring, fracturing or shattering over time. 

The Shed Roof Strengthening Kit increases your Arrow sheds roof strength by up to 50%!

#5: Consider Available Accessories to Get the Most Out Of Your Shed:

There are many accessories available to help you get the most out of your new outdoor storage shed. If you plan to spend time working in your shed you would likely benefit from our Outdoor Infrared Heater which can heat up to 14 feet away and comes with a 2 year warranty. If you’re considering either the Skylight Shed or the Yukon Shed we recommend adding the Skylight or Yukon Shed Shelf Kit to help you maximize your sheds storage potential.



All of our Outdoor Storage Sheds come as do-it-yourself kits. A professional is not required to install one of our DIY shed kits as they come with easy to follow assembly instructions and only basic tools are needed. Did you know you can save up to 50% by choosing a DIY kit vs hiring someone to build a shed for you? Not to mention it is much faster as well!

What about the foundation?

We’ve answered all of your questions in this blog article - Foundations and Anchoring Tips For Your Shelter

